● 3104 ‧ 3106 工作室
● 臺灣
● 音樂
The Tic Tac 於 2008年組成,樂風遊走在民謠和獨立搖滾之間,現場表演以劇場敘事感為主要訴求,每一首歌曲都是他們對於社會觀察而產生的魔幻小故事,故事不真實卻又寫實地描繪現代社會人與人的關係。音樂上,The Tic Tac追求一種自由的關係,不拘泥於曲風或是樂器,沒有使用傳統的爵士鼓,反而偏向打擊樂的演奏方式,也帶給Tic Tac一種自然壯闊的氛圍,尋找極致微小的寧靜,也追求狂躁巨大的噪音,敘事畫面感強烈,將帶給聽眾相當不同的感受。
2016 入圍金音獎最佳新人 最佳樂團
2017 新北市貢寮國際海洋音樂祭 最佳人氣樂團。
The Tic Tac is a Taiwanese indie folk rock band founded by singersongwriter and guitarist Chad Hsu in 2008.
In 2012, UJ, the female drummer and singer, joined forces with Chad. Blending the two talents together with Chad's sonorous singing and Uj's experiment with orchestral percussion style of drumming and the extensive use of vocal harmonies enhance the appearance of The Tic Tac. Its music is characteristic of various sub genres including folk, rock, and country, and as for composing, The Tic Tac tends to draw attention on moving through dynamics with agility, and the use of poly-rhythm which shares similar concept and style with bands like Bon Iver, Feist, Broken Social Scene,Bright Eye.
They nominated "Best Band" and "Best New Artist" by Golden Indie Music Awards ( 金音創作獎 ) in 2016.